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You bought the newest digital camera . Now learn all about the options and how to best use them. Learn how to drive the technology known as the modern camera. It simply comes down to aperture, shutter speed and ISO as it has for over 150 years. Now that you are well informed you can now make a knowledgeable choice of your options on the camera's menu and you are the driver.


This Basic Camera Course will teach you: About all the external settings on your camera body and lenses. Explore your camera's internal menu and unlock each item one at a time. Unlocking all the mysteries of your camera in the most simple and least confusing way.


Part 1: We will cover the basics (and keep it simple): How to use your settings most effectively to accomplish any photo you want to take. How to use your light meter & apply the simplest settings to see you through you any lighting situation. Shooting on manual and when to go for your automatic options. We'll do a set-up in the studio and shoot outside to apply what you are learning into practical knowledge.


Lunch Break: During this break we'll go outside to apply additional practice to what you have learned.


Part 2: The Results Analyze your photos to make sure you understand the morning lesson and answer any questions. We then cover all external buttons, switches & knobs & explain their design & function. Learn the internal camera menu, options & settings & how to apply your educated choices.


"Students have brought me cameras that were still in their boxes and they 'get it' by the time the class is done." JA





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